Accreditation at Rice


Reaffirmation is a comprehensive review process that institutions undergo every ten years in the SACSCOC region.  The Reaffirmation process is comprised of three main parts: 1) preparation of a comprehensive Compliance Certification report which is reviewed by an off-site Committee of institutional peers from the SACSCOC region, 2) preparation of a focused report to address specific questions of the off-site reviewers and submission of the Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), and 3) completion of an on-site review by an on-site Committee of institutional peers from the SACSCOC region. The full process of Reaffirmation takes approximately fifteen months to complete.

Rice's Compliance Certification report is due to SACSCOC in September 2025, the on-site review will occur in February 2026. Reaffirmation is anticipated to be completed in December 2026 at the SACSCOC Annual Meeting. Rice's Reaffirmation efforts are led by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. 

Institutions accredited by SACSCOC must demonstrate compliance with the standards for accreditation as contained in The Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement, and with the policies and procedures of the Commission. 

For Rice’s 2026 Reaffirmation, compliance must be demonstrated with standards pertaining to:

  • Institutional integrity
  • Mission
  • Governing Board
  • Administration and organization
  • Faculty
  • Institutional Planning and Effectiveness
  • Student Achievement
  • Educational Program Structure and Content
  • Educational Policies, Procedures and Practices
  • Library and Learning/Information Resources
  • Academic and Student Support Services
  • Financial and Physical Resources
  • Transparency and Institutional Representation

For more information on the Reaffirmation process:  “Accrediting Standards“, or “Institutional Resources. The Index of SACSCOC Documents provides a list of policies and procedures in alphabetical order by title.

Leadership and Committees

SACSCOC Reaffirmation Leadership Team - Senior Leadership (RLT)

SACSCOC Reaffirmation Committee - Steering and Oversight (SRC)  

QEP Leadership Team - QEP Topics and Reporting (QLT)

Reaffirmation Kickoff Meeting

Reaffirmation Kickoff Meeting Slides Spring 2024

Schedules and Timelines

  • Spring 2024:  Kickoff Meetings
  • Summer 2024: Individual Standard Team Briefings and Draft Development 
  • Fall 2024: Finalize Report Draft 1, Team Review and Edit, Select QEP Topic
  • Spring 2025: Full Report Review by RLT and SRC (March 2025), Prepare QEP
  • Summer 2025: Second Full Report Review by RLT and SRC (May 2025), Final Report Edits and Formatting, Draft 1 QEP
  • Fall 2025: Draft 2 QEP for Review by RLT (October 2025), Prepare Focused Report (Nov. - Dec. 2025)
  • September 1, 2025 Deadline: Submit Full Report to SACSCOC
  • Spring 2026: Submit Focused Report and QEP (January 2026), Prepare for On-site Review (Jan. - Feb. 2026)
  • February 23 - 26, 2026: On-site Review
  • Summer 2026: Submit Follow-up Report is required by SACSCOC (June 2026)
  • December 2026: Rice Reaffirmation Announced

For questions relating to Rice's 2026 Reaffirmation, please email


Rice University
Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Allen Center, Suite 215
P.O. Box 1892
6100 Main St.
Houston, TX 77251-1892


Please contact us at: